McHenry Supports Traditional Marriage


Date: April 17, 2012
Issues: Marriage


I would like to take a moment to share with you the importance of voting this Primary Election. Not only are there contested races, including in the 10th Congressional District, but there is an important ballot initiative for our state. On May 8th, we will vote to protect and uphold North Carolina's definition of marriage.

The Marriage Amendment is not a new issue in North Carolina. In fact, when I was in the North Carolina General Assembly in 2003, I sponsored the Defense of Marriage Act -House Bill 1606. Thankfully, now that we finally have a conservative majority in the General Assembly, our friends in Raleigh have been able to bring this important vote to the people. I believe this legislation is just as important now as it was then, and I pray that our citizens will protect marriage by voting FOR the Marriage Amendment.

Early Voting begins this Thursday, April 19th and the Primary will be held on May 8th. For more information about early voting, please click here for a list of locations by county. I appreciate all of your support and prayers. I ask for your vote on May 8th. And, I hope you will join with me in voting to support the Marriage Amendment.

Thank you,

